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Category: Recommended

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Sep 25
Decisions, Decisions

Wide floss, or dental tape, may be helpful for people with a lot of bridgework.

Sep 25
The Early Signs of Oral Cancer

Oral cancer-represented by red, white or discolored lesions, patches or lumps in or…

Sep 25
Managing Diabetes

I have diabetes. Are there extra pre-cautions I need to take to maintain my dental…

Sep 24
Should I Expect to Pass Out When in Hypnosis?

The short answer is no, you should not expect to pass out when you are being…

Sep 22
Sugar Cravings: The Real Skinny

Concern among the general public and scientific communities about obesity has resulted…

Sep 22
Hypnosis and Smoking Cessation

Hypnosis won’t cause you to stop smoking right away.

Sep 21
7 Natural Ways to Boost Your Child’s Immunity

Aim for wholesome, nutrient dense foods for a healthy immune system. Eat more…

Sep 21
PIP Joint Injuries of the Finger

We use our hands constantly, placing them in harm's way continuously.Injuries to the…

Sep 20
Massage Therapy and Chronic Pain

Massage therapy is a great addition to other alternative treatments such as…

Sep 19
Preparing for Online Counselling

Given the current outbreak of COVID-19, we are providing secured online counselling to…