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Benefits of Block Therapy For Runners

Block Therapy is an exercise, therapy and meditation all in one. With it you are improving blood flow, increasing metabolism, working muscles and strengthening your heart. The work can be done in a passive manner or the intensity can be increased for a more dynamic workout.

Block Therapy is an exercise, therapy and meditation all in one. With it you are improving blood flow, increasing metabolism, working muscles and strengthening your heart. The work can be done in a passive manner or the intensity can be increased for a more dynamic workout.

Having said this, Block Therapy is a wonderful complement to any exercise practice because it is incredibly effective at improving blood flow. This benefits tissue in general and increases the benefits of whatever else you are doing. You will also find that post-workout recovery is much faster as the bi-products of exercise will be taken away from the cells with greater efficiency, e.g. lactic acid, decreasing the time the muscles experience stiffness.

After a workout along with and sometimes instead of stretching, I use my block and the next day have very little, if any delayed onset muscle soreness. I have created a “melting” affect and have a better blood flow in the areas I use the block on and the soreness simply does not exist for me anymore. For example, when I have a runner as a client I have them use the block on their quadriceps, hamstrings, calves, iliotibial band and piriformis muscles and they Healthy Body just “sinks” so deeply into the block and works out restrictions that the normal post workout soreness just does not come.