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How to combat the winter blues

If you know me, you know that I am not a fan of winter. The sun goes down early; it’s dark more hours than light, and it’s extremely cold!  I can definitely see why there are so many people who are diagnosed with seasonal affective disorder. I am no therapist but I think I’ve finally found the cure to the winter blues. It’s taken me a long time to figure this out because all I wanted to do was the exact opposite. It’s so contrary to what your Healthy Body wants and yet, I can guarantee that while you may not exactly come to love winter, you probably won’t end up loathing it as much.

It boils down to these four things:

  • Don’t hibernate;
  • Go have some fun;
  • Exercise; and
  • Have a laugh.

What’s the first thing you want to do on a blustery day? You want to curl under the covers with a good book in front of the fire (whether you have a fireplace or not, you crave one, right?). Resist the urge. Go out and get some fresh (cold) air. Call a girlfriend, call your sister, call that new person from work. Go have a good time. Just get out and have fun!

After those long days at the office when you can’t run home quickly enough to your PJs and bunny slippers, ask yourself this question, “what’s your hurry?” You have that gym membership; go use it! Or go home, but only long enough to change into your sweats and go for a run. I know, slipping and sliding in the snow isn’t exactly fun, but after a bit of time, you’ll build up a strategy for avoiding the most hazardous spots. And hey, if nothing else, you’ll give your neighbours a good laugh, which is great for both of you!

If you find yourself getting depressed and you can’t get out for some reason, call a friend, chat for a while and make each other laugh. Turn on the TV or put on a movie – the funniest and most outrageous comedy you can find. If you find yourself falling back into that not-so-happy place again, put on a CD and start dancing. Laughter really does cure the blues. Who cares if your dog thinks you’ve lost your mind? She was sure you did years ago; so don’t let that stop you.

DON’T let the winter blues get your down. It’s too easy to do that. Trust me on this one. Hit those winter blues where it hurts the most – right in the gut!


Until next time,

Peace, love and vitamin C!



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