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What is Verrucae Treatment?

Verrucae can be quite painful to walk on as they generally occur at pressure points on the sole of the foot.

A verruca is a wart found on the sole of the foot that has a circular cauliflower shape sometimes with black dots inside. Verrucae can be quite painful to walk on as they generally occur at pressure points on the sole of the foot. Some verrucae disappear of their own accord but the majority needs treatment and most people don’t like to wait around to see if the verruca will disappear or not.

Initial Assessment: The first visit will consist of viewing the verruca and determining how long it has been present, the size of the verruca and discussing what treatment option would be available. As the verruca is a virus, advice will be giving to optimize your immune system to increase your chances of fighting the verruca. The treatment will continue, the foot dressed/bandaged and it should be kept dry for 12 hours. A follow up treatment will be made for 7-14 days to review the verruca and the progress.

Follow Up: Your follow up treatment will consist of the removal of the top layer of the verruca again and reviewing the size in comparison with the previous week’s photo. If successful and the verruca is smaller and you are happy to continue treatment the chemical will be applied again and the foot dressed, again keeping the area dry for 12 hours. Each week the verruca will become smaller until completely gone.