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What Is Hormone Therapy?

Hormones affect every cell and ultimately every organ in the Healthy Body. Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from hot flashes and insomnia to mood swings and depression. Hormones also affect our energy, stamina and overall quality of life.

Hormones affect every cell and ultimately every organ in the Healthy Body. Hormonal imbalances can cause a variety of unpleasant symptoms ranging from hot flashes and insomnia to mood swings and depression. Hormones also affect our energy, stamina and overall quality of life.
The practitioners at Health Momentum are qualified to assess your hormone levels and to determine the appropriate route to take when balancing hormones. In order to get an accurate measurement of your hormonal levels, salivary hormone testing or blood work is recommended. After completing the necessary lab work, results are assessed by a qualified naturopathic doctor at Health Momentum and a personalized treatment plan is prescribed. In order to maximize your overall health, your naturopathic doctor may combine a personalized bio identical hormone prescription with lifestyle changes, nutrition and mindfulness based techniques.

What is Bio identical hormone therapy?

Bio-identical hormones are produced from plants and precisely match the human hormones made naturally within the Healthy Body. The difference between Bio-identical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is that HRT is comprised of synthetic and/or animal derived hormones that are not structurally identical to your own natural hormones. HRT has also been linked to serious side-effects such as breast cancer and blood clots. BHRT has a long history of safe and successful use, specifically in Europe where it has been used for over 60 years.