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What is a Marriage Restoration Cruise?

Marriage restoration sessions are carried out on a cruise ship or at a resort, the goal being to get couples away from the every day distractions of life and give them a chance to focus on themselves and their situation.

Marriage restoration sessions are carried out on a cruise ship or at a resort, the goal is to get couples away from the everyday distractions of life and give them a chance to focus on themselves and their situation. The cruise ship and resort provides a setting conducive to romance. Couples are able to rekindle the fire, restore their broken relationship, regain focus, regain perspective and put priorities in place.

Due to the intensity of these sessions, Couples interested in “MARRIAGE RESTORATION” are required to attend Marriage Restoration Preparation sessions to assess if they are suitable for those sessions and to prepare those who are suitable. Individuals who are not suitable are able to work at preparing to be ready for “MARRIAGE RESTORATION” If you are willing to take this journey, be willing to work. Restoring a broken relationship/marriage takes time but maintaining it is a lifetime commitment and work.