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3 Hypnosis Techniques to Reduce Symptoms of Menopause

Hypnosis can help you in several ways - including managing your menopausal symptoms.

Menopause can be a challenging time for many women; a reduction in the hormone estrogen also causes it; the symptoms of Menopause are both physical and emotional.  It begins in the late 40s or early 50s for most women and usually lasts for a few years.

During this time, at least two -thirds of women experience symptoms of Menopause.

These include hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, irritability and tiredness.

Also, menopausal women are at a high risk of several diseases, including osteoporosis, obesity, heart disease and diabetes.  Now many women turn to hypnotherapy and remedies for relief.

Here three-technique to reduce the symptoms of Menopause:

  1. Cool imagery. 

Take some time to allow yourself to access a relaxed, calm state.  If you have a favourite meditation or breathing technique to help you reach this state, use that.  Otherwise, imagine you’re breathing a cool, silvery light in through your nose and allowing it to flow down through your body as you exhale.  Keep repeating this process and say to yourself, “I am becoming more and more relaxed” after every breath.  When you’re in this relaxed state, imagine what, for you, is the most cooling sensation you can think of.  For instance, you might imagine the cooling feeling of stepping into a swimming pool or being outside, feeling a cool breeze on your skin.  Focus all your attention on this image and emotion, imagining it flowing through your body.  Next time you think a lot flash, focus your mind on this cooling sensation.

  1. View Future yourself

Imagine how you would like to feel in six months’ time. Close your eyes and imagine this in as much detail as you can, seeing what’s in that image, noticing the sounds and scents, and stepping into the scene of that future you.  Focus on how you will feel at that time.  Work out what you need to do to create this future you.  This might include taking more time for yourself, incorporating yoga, meditation or other exercises into your life, and working out what you want from life.  Keep returning to this visualization the more you do it, the more real it will feel, which is a great motivator to put those changes into place. 

  1. Flash Control Dial 

Imagine you’re in a room, and on one wall, there is a dial that goes all the way from 0 to 10, represents a comfortable, pleasant coolness.  Ten means feeling very hot (like you would on a sweltering day or during a hot flash).  Close your eyes and imagine where you are on this scale.  Now try turning the dial up a few notches and feel your body heat rise.   Hold for a few seconds, and now turn it down to as close to zero as you can, feeling your body heat reduce.  Go up and down this way a few times, controlling your body heat and then set the dial at a comfortable level.  If you practice this on your own in advance of hot flashes, the next time you experience a moment, you can use this “Flash Control Dial” to turn the heat down, only by imagining it. 

Hypnosis is a potent tool in helping us to reconnect and gain control of our bodies, in addition to allowing us to visualize the lives we deserve to lead and to begin to make those visualisation come true. 

To get help, please feel free to contact Jessica Chan, Certified Hypnotist, Director of BC SmartHypnos in Vancouver, Canada. 

Email        : [email protected]

Telephone    : +1 778 636 4068. 
