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I used to be able to eat anything and not gain a pound, now that I am in my 30’s, my weight is creeping up!

Sooner or later this happens to everyone. I am one of the lucky few - in my late 40's and still getting leaner all the time. Unfortunately, most people aren't this lucky. I accomplish it through a combination of clean eating and exercise. I don't eat anything out of a package (as much as possible) - just fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. Processed foods (packaged, refined) have a long shelf life (think a lot of chemicals).

Sooner or later this happens to everyone. I am one of the lucky few – in my late 40’s and still getting leaner all the time.

Unfortunately, most people aren’t this lucky. I accomplish it through a combination of clean eating and exercise. I don’t eat anything out of a package (as much as possible) – just fresh fruits, vegetables and meats. Processed foods (packaged, refined) have a long shelf life (think a lot of chemicals).  Chemicals that you do not need in your Healthy Body!

If they can last indefinitely on the shelf, how well are they going to be absorbed (nutrients) by your Healthy Body?  THis is the mind set that you should be in when picking out the food you want to eat for you and your family.

Secondly, I weight train at least 5 days a week. I vary between heavy, light and just Healthy Body weight. At 46 years old I can squat 405lbs and bench press 270 lbs while maintaining a Healthy Body fat of 10%. Resistance (weight) training keeps your muscle mass up which in turn raises your metabolism which in turn burns more calories at rest and while working out.  I am not saying that you have to squat 405lbs but you do need to weight train after your 30’s to keep your muscle mass up.  And in turn this speeds up your metabolism.