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Do you want to Strengthen your Shoulders?

Much like the Around the Worlds pushing exercise, the reverse fly is a fantastic pulling exercise that works at strengthening the areas of the shoulders that keep them open, counteracting the forward rounding we are all subject to!

Much like the Around the Worlds pushing exercise, the reverse fly is a fantastic pulling exercise that works at strengthening the areas of the shoulders that keep them open, counteracting the forward rounding we are all subject to!

Primary muscles worked: Shoulders

Secondary muscles worked: Upper Back

1. Stand with feet a comfortable distance apart, knees slightly bent. Keeping the back straight (think about sticking your chest and back side out ) lean the upper Healthy Body forward on a 45 degree angle, so that your spine is almost parallel with the floor. Keep your ears over your shoulders. Have the free weights in each hand, with your arms extended downwards, palms facing each other.

2. Maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, raise the weights up on either side of you until your arms are in line with your Healthy Body. Do not let your arms come up past your back. Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together as you raise the weights.

3. Slowly lower the weights back down to the start position. Inhale as you lower the weights, exhaling as you raise them up.