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Help for chronic yeast

I have chronic, recurring yeast infections. I can't seem to find any medication that works. What can I do?

With incidences on the rise, is there a natural way to treat yeast infections?

Chronic yeast infections are becoming more common as yeast strains are becoming resistant to prescription anti-fungal medications. The most important thing to note is that both you and your partner should be treated for yeast infections. If you are being treated alone, your partner can carry yeast asymptomatically and pass it back to you. You can treat chronic yeast infections successfully by enhancing your immune system so your body can fight off the pesky organisms on its own, restoring normal flora and using some natural anti-fungals.

To treat a local problem such as a yeast infection you will want to consider what you are eating. A diet that is low in refined sugars and carbohydrates is key. Unhealthy and processed sugary foods will decrease the immune system and allow the yeast to flourish. A whole foods based diet with vegetables, lean proteins and good quality fats will serve you well.

There are many immune boosters out there that will also help. Both garlic and goldenseal can stimulate your immune system in a positive way to help your body fight off the yeast. Both can be taken orally or inserted vaginally.

Having the right microflora in your gut and in your genito-urinary tract is also important. Taking a good probiotic (L. acidophilus) both orally and finding vaginal suppositories will return your body’s flora to a normal state and reduce overgrowth of the yeast.

To treat locally and naturally there are a number of good products that can be helpful. Boric acid suppositories are great to relieve chronic infections. Both you and your partner should consider trying the boric acid. Most compounding pharmacies will carry this product behind the counter. Tea tree oil or other herbal mixes are also available and can be useful in treating a chronic yeast infection. But remember, all of the above should be used with the guidance of a health care provider.