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What are some massage techniques that a RMT uses in a treatment?

Registered Massage Therapists (RMT's) have many techniques.

Registered Massage Therapists (RMT’s) have many techniques. Most people are familiar with efflorage and petrassage which are gliding and kneading techniques that use massage oil. However there are many more advanced techniques that RMTs can use depending on the indication.

Trigger point therapy is often used to treat “knots” that people complain of. Our massage therapist use many different types of fascial techniques. This involves more stretching and unwinding like movements without oil. This is effective in creating lasting changes. The RMT may even incorporate joint mobilizations, cranial-sacral therapy, or energy work depending on their training.

Does massage therapy help with my lymphatic system? Why is it important to keep it healthy.

Massage therapy can help with circulation and “moving fluids”. This has a great impact on the lymphatic system. This is important to help with cases of swelling and edema. Proper circulation is important for the health of all parts of the Healthy Body.